
The purpose of the meeting (invited contributions only) will be to highlight the recent progress in the mechanics of polycrystallie materials field both from the experimental and modelling sides. 3D/4D characterizations, crystal plasticity modelling, large scale simulations and machine learning are the four key themes that will be discussed. Two contributions on the industrial point of view will also be presented.

Invited Speakers

  • Romain Quey (Mines Saint Etienne, France)
  • Darren Pagan (Penn State University, United States)
  • Fabrice Barbe (Insa Rouen, France)
  • Marc Fivel (INP Grenoble, France)
  • Fionn Dunne (Imperial College, UK)
  • Aldo Marano (Onera, France)
  • Thomas Antretter (Univ of Leoben, Austria)
  • Ludovic Thilly (University of Poitiers, France)
  • David Ryckelynck (Mines Paris, France)
  • Albrecht Bertram (TU Berlin, Germany)
  • Tresa Pollock (UCSB, United States)
  • Jonathan Cormier (ENSMA Poitiers, France)
  • Matti Lindroos (VTT, Finland)
  • Wolfgang Ludwig (ESRF / university of Lyon, France)
  • Stephane Berbenni (University of Lorraine, France)
  • Samantha Daly(UCSB, United States)
  • Arjen Roos (Safran, France)
  • Adrien Guery (EDF R&D, France)
  • Henry Proudhon (Mines Paris, France)

Georges Cailletaud

This workshop will also be the occasion to honour eminent contributions of Georges Cailletaud in the field of polycristalline mechanics. He recently retired but will participate to the meeting and we will enjoy his presence at the conference and the cocktail diner will be organized for him.


The workshop will take place at Ecole des Mines in Paris. This is a perfect location downtown Paris within the historical district of quartier Latin and right by the Luxembourg garden. The presentations will be given in the recently refurbished Schlumberger theater.

Mines Paris location


This conference is supported by BIGMECA, MECAMAT and Centre des Matériaux Mines Paris. Thanks to their support, we are able to provide this conference free of charge for registered people.

Sponsors of the conference

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