› Deformation of polycrystals observed with 3D synchrotron X-ray diffraction imaging techniques - Wolfgang Ludwig, Matériaux, ingénierie et science [Villeurbanne], European Synchroton Radiation Facility [Grenoble]
14:00-14:35 (35min)
› Revealing the role of microstructure architecture on strength and ductility of Ni microwires by in-situ synchrotron X-Ray diffraction - Ludovic Thilly, Institut Pprime
14:35-15:10 (35min)
› New Opportunities for Inclusion of Constitutive Modeling in the Interpretation and Analysis of In-situ X-ray Diffraction Data - Darren Pagan, Penn State
15:10-15:45 (35min)
› In situ 4D mechanical testing of structural materials: the data challenge - Henry Proudhon, Centre des Matériaux
16:50-17:25 (35min)
› Some Recent Developments in TriBeam Tomography for Acquisition of 3D Multimodal Datasets - Pollock Tresa, Materials Department [Santa Barbara]
17:25-18:00 (35min)